Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some farm news

Well, it has been a while since I have posted a blog! I lost the adapter for our camera to download pictures. I have a new one now so here are some pictures.

Mary Jane is dragging brush out of the park.

We brought up some furniture so now you can sit down in the living
room. Notice the old round oak table we got for the kitchen. The other table is too big

Check out this appropriate reading material

Instead of a mattress on the floor we now have a cool old fashioned iron-type bed

Spring is just around the corner. These daffodils were blooming last weekend

a winter shot through the old white oak in the front of the house.

We love going up to the farm and pretending like we're retired. It's not all fun though, New Years weekend I rented a stump grinder and ground out over 50 stumps! Last weekend I pruned both big apple trees , cut back the old apricot and planted two more fruit trees. I don't have to wonder about the question so often asked "What are you going to do after you retire?"


  1. This is great, Dad! Keep the farm updates coming! We miss you guys.

  2. Yes, so glad to see an update!! We check allll the time :-) Love and miss you all and can't wait to get back up to Mary Jane's Farm!!! ;-)
